"Open letter to mrs. Beth Twitty"
Do 4 September 2008 02:54 |
waarheenbeatrixdernederlanden |
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The Hague, The Netherlands, 25th of June 2008
Dear mrs Beth Twitty,
I, Carlos Severino Tromp, am the builder, owner, and writer of the Dutch website:
www. koninginnlwatismensenrechten.com and I want to apologise to you through this letter for the injustice the ministry injustice of Aruba has done to you, because injustice is not justice. I understand your pain and meekness as a human being and mother of Nathalee Holloway, and I also want to express my support for you, because you have lost the battle, but not the war!
In my country of birth Aruba, there is, alas, no justice because the government of Nelson Orlando Oduber, Prime Minister of Aruba is corrupt; the eleven puppet members of parliament, and their president, mrs Marvin Wyatt-Ras, are nothing more than puppets who protect corruption.
The Public Prosecuting Agency of Aruba (OM) Havenstraat #2, Oranjestad, Aruba, is a political organisation & corrupt and together with the communal Court of the Netherlands Antilles and Aruba they have degenerated into a house of worship of Satan.
Also the very corrupt crown civil servants, the Public Prosecutors General, violators of human rights:Mr. Drs. Teresa Diana Croes Fernandez Pedra and the monster Mr Elivia Elvira Lugo, who on a daily basis violates justice and human rights, (it is namely not for nothing that the now former commissary of police and inspector, Gerold Dompig, has thoroughly beaten her up. What is piquaint, however, is that he was not prosecuted for this severe maltreatment and even this incident was covered up by the local and the Dutch authorities) and that the motherland the Netherlands has, as usual, again closed her eyes to this serious fact; mrs Teresa Diana Croes and Elivia Lugo together with her colleagues; whom have perfected and legalised corruption there with the blessing of the corrupt Hyancintho Rudolfo Croes (Rudy gate), minister of injustice, for whom the motherland the Netherlands takes a bow!
Justice of the Kingdom are not to be trusted, because they falsify documents, commit forgery, manipulate the law, commit great injustice, so that justice there in fact has degenerated into justice metered out by tyrants and a lot more devious things against humanity and human rights, with the cooperation of many corrupt Dutch and Aruba lawyers, whom have all done such under the auspices of the kingdom of the Netherlands, which has therefore degenerated into a lowlife banana republic.
Justice of the Kingdom are not to be trusted, because they falsify documents, commit forgery, manipulate the law, commit great injustice, so that justice there in fact has degenerated into justice metered out by tyrants and a lot more devious things against humanity and human rights, with the cooperation of many corrupt Dutch and Aruba lawyers, whom have all done such under the auspices of the kingdom of the Netherlands, which has therefore degenerated into a lowlife banana republic.
This is the reason that Nathalee Holloway has become missing and Joran van der Sloot is untouchable within that banana republic, the kingdom of the Netherlands.
Joran van der Sloot would now have become a persona non grata. I have to laugh at this, because that is only a sly joke and a smoke curtain coming from the henchman of Satan with the nickname “Rudy gate” sitting on the post of the secretary of justice of the very corrupt STATUS APARTE of Aruba, entitled as a den of thieves: the insular territory Aruba, being a part of the dutch banana republic.
It is further totally irrelevant whether there is or is not a governor of Aruba, because this current governor is blind, deaf and mute concerning the crimes of his former political party MEP that is in power.
A part of the populace is tainted with corruption. Believe me or not, or just ask the former E.U. member of Parliament mr. Frits Bolkestein, the dutch Second Chamber member of parliament mr. Hero Brinkman or Geert Wilders; they are witnesses, because they have called Aruba a litter of robbers and a den of thieves.
Don’t be surprised, because the International Transparency reports of Berlin have also entitled the motherland the Netherlands as being number seven on the list of all the corrupt countries in the world! Bad trees give no good fruit!!
The dutch government kabinet Balkenende closes its eyes to the crimes taking place on Aruba against humanity and human rights in name of the head of state, the Queen, Mrs Beatrix. And the dutch Prime Minister Mr Drs Jan Peter Balkenende believes in his half truths and is helping the corrupt government of Aruba Prime Minister Nelson Orlando Oduber to fool the people and the world with a crooked rapport of the IMF into believing that the economy of Aruba is sound.
Jan Peter Balkenende appears not to have feelings or be ashamed of his lies, or else he must be totally incompetent! Because how is it then possible that Aruba has only 120.000 inhabitants but a national debt of more than one billion guilders, while 80% of the populace has fallen into poverty?
This has only been possible with the very corrupt cartel of Prime Minister of Aruba Nelson Orlando Oduber, Hyacintho Rudolfo Croes (RudyCroes), Marisol Lopez-Tromp (queen of corruption), Nilo Swaen who is manipulating figures on the ministry of finance, Ramon (the sex maniac) Lee, Eddie Briezen van Namdar hide corruption, Booshi (Mr false diploma) Wever and cronies. All those people are crooks.
Do Dutch kingdom be no wrong in your judging: give thought to the position of the poor, do not only honor the position of the great; but be a judge to your neighbor in righteousness. Leviticus 19:15
But it is understandable that dirty hands cannot clean anything what is dirty and if Satan rises against Satan, he is fighting against himself and destroys his own kingdom;
But it is understandable that dirty hands cannot clean anything what is dirty and if Satan rises against Satan, he is fighting against himself and destroys his own kingdom;
I advise you to start a legal procedure against the insular territory of Aruba, the Dutch state or the Kingdom of the Netherlands, because the government of Aruba is lying to the world under the auspices of the kingdom of the Netherlands, that lowlife banana republic, that Aruba is a safe and secure island for tourism; even for the people there is no justice, while there exists no security of law, no justice on that little island, neither that so called democracy!
Because corruption is in power
And the government under the Cabinet of Nelson Orlando Oduber has changed the insular territory of Aruba into a den of thieves!
I cordially welcome you to the website written in the Dutch and in English languages www.onrecht.biz www.koninginnlwatismensenrechten.com www.arubainjustice.com so that you can get an impression of the total injustice that has manifested itself on Aruba. Queen Beatrix of the KINGDOM OF THE NETHERLANDS” Do not Err; God is not made sport of: for whatever seed a man puts in, he will get back as grain. Galatians 6-7
You are absolutely invited to pass on this letter to the press, television and any media.
I cordially welcome you to the website written in the Dutch and in English languages www.onrecht.biz www.koninginnlwatismensenrechten.com www.arubainjustice.com so that you can get an impression of the total injustice that has manifested itself on Aruba. Queen Beatrix of the KINGDOM OF THE NETHERLANDS” Do not Err; God is not made sport of: for whatever seed a man puts in, he will get back as grain. Galatians 6-7
You are absolutely invited to pass on this letter to the press, television and any media.
Yours sincerely Carlos Severino Tromp
Bron: Carlos Severino