Onderzoek wijst uit dat de bevolking voor de gek wordt gehouden betreffende de effectiviteit van cor
Phd. Ronald B. Brown
Public Health Lessons Learned From Biases in Coronavirus Mortality Overestimation
( Een artikel met referenties naar 77 eerder gepubliceerde artikelen )
Study: Public misled about the efficacy reports of mRNA vaccines
Een verhaal over MISLEIDING betreffende de EFFECTIVITEIT van corona vaccins...
Pfizer/BioNTech GEEN 95% maar slechts 0,7%
Moderna GEEN 95% maar slechts 1,1%
CITAAT 1: "The 95% efficacy rates for Pfizer and Moderna vaccines pertain to the RRR. Its ARR are so much lower. According to Brown, the ARR for the Pfizer vaccine is at 0.7% while Moderna’s is at 1.1%. The failure to report that ARR has created a reporting bias which has “mislead and distort[ed] the public’s interpretation of COVID-19 mRNA vaccine efficacy and violate the ethical and legal obligations of informed consent”."
CITAAT 2: "If these vaccines were so safe and effective, why weren’t vaccine developers following the decades-long reporting standards for vaccine efficacy?
If governments still function to protect the rights of its citizens, then VACCINE ROLLOUTS SHOULD BE STOPPED and and this issue on ARR clarified."